Pit Bulls - The Most Misunderstood Breed

For the past 25 years, I have raised and lived with many pit bulls, one of the most misunderstood breeds of dogs in the US. Over the years, I have had approximately 10 pit bulls or pit mixes and all of them have been different in lots of ways personality wise, but as far as the loyalty goes, they have been the same. They are the most loving, loyal to their family, and playful breed of dog. Most of America fear this breed due to ignorance of their temperament and loyalty; they see it as aggression towards people and/or other animals.

About The Pit Bull

The history of the pit bull is actually quite extensive. The breed started in the UK to “bait” bulls (www.badrap.org) which then was deemed inhumane and soon became illegal. Dog fighting then became a popular replacement and the actual dog we know today was created by breeding an Olde English Bulldog with terriers to create the replacement we know as the pit bull today. The pit bull is known for its short, agile stature and butt headedness. They are a strong-willed animal that can be easily tamed with proper training and be goofy and affectionate at the same time.

As the immigrants from the UK came over to the US, they brought their dogs across along with the family and possessions as they were an integral part of their family unit. These dogs were then entrusted to protect the homesteads and were vital helpers on the family farms. They were also trusted, constant companions to the young children who were entrusted to their care. It was then that pit bulls earned their place as an important part of the developing nation. The USA admired this breed qualities to itself; friendly, brave, hardworking and worthy of respect. They were thought of more as family dogs than fighting dogs at this point.

Many famous people in US History have owned pit bulls such as Helen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt and we all remember, “Petey” from the TV show Little Rascals. Today, this is a tradition that continues, having a beloved and cherished pit bull as a family dog.

Pit Bulls As Family Dogs

When raised properly, the pit bull is a favorite companion of children and makes wonderful family pets. They love the rough tumble play and love the joyful optimism that children elude. As with all dogs of any breed, some are not suitable to be around young children due to their exuberance and could knock them down unintentionally. Common sense should dictate that children should be taught how to interact properly with dogs of every breed, but especially the pit bull and should always be supervised.

Just like humans, pit bulls are beautiful in their variety; although it is their inner qualities that make them so appealing.  Just to name a few of those qualities are strength, confidence, humor, and a zest for life.  They do have a sensitive side and get their feelings hurt easily, but if properly socialized, this breed of dog will be quite affectionate and friendly.

Pit Bull Myths

The myths regarding this fabulous breed of dog are rampant. Most of the myths are in regard to the viciousness and locking jaw of this animal; both could not further from the truth. A pit bull is more vicious than any other breed. In all actuality, according to the ATTS, which is an organization that tests the temperament of most breeds of dogs, 86.8% of the American Pit Bull Terrier passed the temperament test (American Temperment Test Society). The other myth that seems rampant among the ignorant is that pit bulls “lock” their jaw when they bite. Of most of the breeds tested, the pit bull was actually the lowest with a recorded PSI of 235, while the Rottweiler was 328 PSI (www.realpitbull.com/myths).

Pit Bull Statistics

As with any breed of dog, think about the facts before you judge. Because of people judging before knowing the facts, pit bulls are facing bans across the United States and even across the world, but society is to blame.  This is due to the fact that societies as a whole are the ones tearing the breed apart. According to statistics, in estimation, pit bulls make up approximately 5-9.6% of the United States dog population (Theme) that is in estimation 5,256,000 pit bulls. These statistics were compared with Rottweiler’s, German Shepherds, and Chow dogs making the pit bull at the bottom of the list for fatally attacking a human at 0.00125% based on the average percentage of 7.3% when compared to the other dogs listed.

Pit Bulls And The Media 

Most people fear pit bulls because of the reputation that has been placed upon them by the media as well as some of the bad owners.  In August 2007, there were some news reports about dog attacks and the press was stating that it was, “yet, another pit bull attack”, but it was actually a Labrador mix, a mixed breed dog, and a medium-sized mixed breed dog that appeared once or maybe twice in the local papers.  Also reported at that same time was an attack on an elderly woman with severe, but not fatal injuries by two pit bulls and it went viral; reported in over 230 national and international newspapers’ along with major television networks including CNN, MSNBC, and FOX (ASPCA).

Many well-known celebrities are speaking out in favor of this breed because of the media hype.  As stated by well-known media critic and stand-up comedian, Jon Stewart, "The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire." The media hysteria surrounding American Pit Bull Terriers has been lighting them on fire — resulting in the mass euthanasia of these dogs simply because of their appearance. Instead, the media's magnifying glass should focus on the real public safety issue: reckless owners of any dog. (Change.org). He is a pit bull owner as well and has done extensive research to prove that there is overwhelming evidence that the pit bull is no more dangerous than any other breed of dog.

Sadly, this happens all too often and the media does not like to retract their misinformation, but when forced to, they do. It is sad that our media seems to latch onto these dog attack stories just to chastise certain breeds, especially the pit bull.

Personal Opinion

I chose to become an informed owner and learn the psyche and demeanor of the classic pit bull, especially because I had kids and knew that I wanted the dogs and kids to be raised together as a family unit; just as nature had intended.  I attended many classes, read many books and articles and just spent time with them to try and understand what actually makes the pit bull such a lovable breed. What I found was a truth in the description of the breed, the temperament, and the generalized love they have for people, especially their family.

As with all dogs, pits are pack animals and LOVE with their whole being.  They do not realize the power that they exude nor do they know their own strength.  They are extremely loyal, especially to their family and their ultimate goal is to protect them as only they know how.  The aggression that people fear can be tamed with proper training and reassurance. Most almost always mistake their “smile” as snarling or aggression when it is merely just a smile (Pitbulls.org) as seen here.  As with any dog, they thrive on constant praise and reassurance as well as love.

The constant training is always a must with this breed.   The training must be reinforced at all times to let the dog know that you are the one in control, not them.  They are always willing to learn a new trick or play a new game.  They also happen to be one of the funniest breeds as well.  They love to romp and pounce on things just like a cat. They are fascinated with flying objects and fast-moving objects such as squirrels, but for toys, balls are a passion. They love to pop tennis balls and then look at you when it falls apart to fix it for them. A basketball or a soccer ball is a great toy as well.  Their other passion is a tugging toy and you will tire before they do.

It is very clear that I am very partial to this breed and that the dislike I have for the media and uniformed of this wonderful breed, but that would take up too much paper and time.  If a person is going to report on any breed of dog, they should inform and educate themselves about the breed instead of jumping on the said “bandwagon” and go with the hype. If they did, they would find a very loving, sweet-natured animal and become an advocate of the breed which is what is necessary to stop the unnecessary euthanasia of these beautiful creatures.

Just once, everyone should experience one of these fun-loving dogs to learn just how wonderful they are. Once they get in your heart, your heart will never be the same and you will be forever changed.  The love of a pit bull is the best love one can receive; unconditional as long as the unconditional love is reciprocated to them. It can actually be summed up in a Beatles song lyric, “All they need is LOVE.”

Works Cited

"ATTS Breed Statistics." American Temperament Test Society, Inc. Word Press, n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. <http://atts.org/breed-statistics/statistics-page1/>.

"Home." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. <http://www.badrap.org/>.

"Jon Stewart, Pit Bulls, and Media Hysteria." Change.org News. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 May 2012. <http://news.change.org/stories/jon-stewart-pit-bulls-and-media-hysteria>.

"Pit Bull Bias in the Media." ASPCA. ASPCA, n.d. Web. 29 May 2012. <http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/advocacy-center/animal-laws-about-the-issues/pit-bull-bias-in-the-media.aspx>.

"Pit Bull Myths." Pit Bull Myths. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. <http://realpitbull.com/myths.html>.

Theme, Arras. "Pit Bull Fatal Attack Statistics." Pit Bull Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. <http://defendpitbulls.com/pit-bull-attack-statistics/>.

"Welcome to Pitbulls.org." Truth about Pit Bull Terriers, Training Help, Pictures, Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. <http://www.pitbulls.org/>.

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